Inspirate: A made-up word that means to breathe in inspiration and let it embody you. Let’s live an inspired life together. Gina Briganti grew up in California and adopted North Texas as her stomping grounds a few years ago. Inspiration and creativity are her constant companion. Four number 1's in her numerology chart give her the drive to bring it all to life. Writing non-fiction self-help and fantasy romance are two ways to share the magic with you. Published non-fiction titles are: Keep It Simple: Permission To Illuminate Your Life Easily, Effortlessly, & Joyfully and The Reiki Cafe: Reiki III (ART) Manual. Published fiction titles in the Natural Gifts series start with The Dreaming (Book 1) and there's a standalone novella, Saunders' Choice. Following her passion and curiosity has led to a string of credentials. Gina Briganti is a certified Reiki Master Practitioner and teacher (RMT), certified nutrition consultant (C.N.C.), and has a degree in holistic nutrition (BASc). When she’s not writing, cooking, eating delicious healthy food, exercising, walking, reading or making videos, she is spending time with her love, family and friends. Subscribe to Gina's newsletters via www.ginabriganti.com and www.thereikicafe.com.