It’s a Classic for a Reason — Message Monday 3

Inspirate With Gina
3 min readSep 6, 2021


Graphic design: Gina Briganti

How can we live an inspired life this week?*

Graphic design: Gina Briganti

The card is gratitude.

Counting your blessings has been spoken of often for an important reason — the reminder that even as challenges arrive, there are still reasons to be thankful.

Last week my catalytic converter was stolen from beneath my car, leading to a big replacement price tag and a few days that didn’t go as planned. There was also a sense of disbelief and frustration, but anger didn’t make an appearance. 14 years of daily meditation and close to as many of daily gratitude practice put it into perspective. No one was hurt. It happened at a time in my life when it didn’t disrupt my world all that much. If it happened to someone else, that might not have been the case. It was easy to find blessings because it’s how I live.

Gratitude as a way of life changes how you look at what’s happening in your life. Example: there’s money in your bank account, but you’re preoccupied with thoughts of lack. Reframing your thoughts with gratitude turns thoughts to being thankful that you have what you have. Being grateful for what you have is an effective way to soften your energy and allow more money to show up instead of focusing on what you don’t have, which doesn’t leave room to focus on how to either increase the number in your bank account or allow other solutions to show up.

If your thoughts turn to what you don’t have or what didn’t happen often, try making a list of everything you’re grateful for. I had a list like that back when I realized that I was depressed. Writing the list, keeping it in my wallet, and looking at it when I needed a lift worked wonders for me.

Make gratitude a way of life and see how good it can get.

Your inspired friend,


Photo credit: Gina Briganti

This card was drawn from the Inspirate With Gina Oracle deck, written by Gina Briganti. It’s in its baby stage as cards are still being designed.

It’s where I go to tap into the wisdom of those who have gone before us, blazed a trail, and want to see us live our most inspired life.

Message Monday is a weekly feature on Inspirate With Gina.



Inspirate With Gina
Inspirate With Gina

Written by Inspirate With Gina

Inspirate: A made-up word that means to breathe in inspiration and let it embody you. Let’s live an inspired life together.

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