This Should Be Interesting — Wisdom Wednesday 20
How can we live an inspired life this week?*
The card is
Lots of inspiration coming through in this card. Paths are being cleared.
There’s good reason to feel upbeat and inspired right now. Doors are opening. Try saying yes and see what happens. Yes is the answer to the question you’re wondering about right now. It’s okay to dream. It’s okay to be yourself. Give yourself permission to go after what you want. Say yes to yourself. Go for it. Don’t hold back.
Let’s see where saying yes takes us.
Your inspired friend,
*This card was drawn from the Inspirate With Gina deck, written by Gina Briganti. It’s in it’s baby stage as cards are still being designed.
It’s where I go to tap into the wisdom of those who have gone before us, blazed a trail, and want to see us live our most inspired life. You can also call it an oracle if you like.
Wisdom Wednesday is a weekly feature on Inspirate With Gina.